Welcome to Pink Flamingo Home Services, LLC. Let us take the reins, freeing your time while delivering 5-star exterior cleaning results, allowing you to focus on what matters most.
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At Pink Flamingo Home Services, LLC, we take pride in helping homes in Northeast Ohio shine like new! Our expert house washing and soft washing services are designed to revitalize your property, enhancing its curb appeal and extending the life of your exterior surfaces.
Our house washing service combines powerful yet safe techniques to remove dirt, grime, and mildew from siding, gutters, and more. Our specialized soft wash method uses low-pressure water to gently eliminate buildup without causing damage. We ensure every corner of your home looks spotless and refreshed.
Pink Flamingo Home Services, LLC proudly offers professional concrete cleaning and sealing services throughout the Greater Cleveland area, designed to protect and enhance your property.
Our expert team uses advanced cleaning techniques to remove stubborn stains, oil spots, mold, and built-up debris, restoring your concrete to its original beauty. Once cleaned, we apply high-quality sealants to shield your surfaces from weather, moisture, and wear, ensuring lasting durability and a polished finish.
Whether you have brushed concrete, stamped concrete, or pavers, we are established cleaning and sealing experts!!
At Pink Flamingo Home Services, LLC, we specialize in restoring the beauty of fences and decks throughout Northeast Ohio. Over time, outdoor wooden structures accumulate dirt, mildew, and algae, which can dull their appearance and lead to premature aging. Using proper techniques, we ensure your fence or deck is thoroughly cleaned without causing damage.
Our process includes using precise pressure washing and soft washing methods tailored to your structure's material. This approach removes stains and grime while preserving the wood's integrity. Wood, composite, or PVC, we have the knowledge and experience to clean all surfaces safely and thoroughly!
Pink Flamingo Home Services, LLC proudly offers professional and safe gutter cleaning services in the Cuyahoga County area. Clogged gutters can lead to water damage, roof issues, and foundation problems, but we ensure your gutters remain clean and functional year-round.
We use proven techniques to carefully remove leaves, debris, and buildup without damaging your gutters or surrounding areas. Safety is our top priority, and we’re equipped to handle even the toughest jobs with precision and care.
Let us handle the hard work so you can enjoy peace of mind!
At Pink Flamingo Home Services, LLC, we understand the importance of making a great first impression. Our professional exterior cleaning and pressure washing services are tailored to meet the unique needs of commercial businesses in Northeast Ohio. A clean, well-maintained exterior not only attracts customers but also reflects your business’s professionalism and attention to detail.
We effectively remove dirt, grime, algae, and stains from building facades, sidewalks, parking lots, and more. Our cleaning solutions ensure thorough results without harming the environment or your property.
Partner with us to revitalize your business’s exterior and leave a lasting positive impression on your customers.
My husband said, "this may be the best service we have ever paid for!" Pete was fantastic! Thank you, Pete, for truly making us satisfied customers!
-Debbie S.
Brecksville, OH

Residential & Commercial
24-hour services
Emergency services available
Pink Flamingo Home Services, LLC wants to be your Number One choice for Pressure Washing and Exterior Cleaning Services in the Greater Cleveland are and Northeast Ohio.
Our Google Reviews prove it!!
ALWAYS FREE QUOTES. No surprises. No gimmicks.
We are a 5-star Google rated business, and a
Neighborhood Favorite on the Nextdoor App in 2021, 2022, 2023, AND 2024!
Pink Flamingo Home Services, LLC proudly serves all of Cuyahoga County and surrounding areas including Parma, Parma Heights, North Royalton, Strongsville, Brecksville, Broadview Heights, Seven Hills, Independence, Cleveland, Westlake, Rocky River, North Olmsted, Lakewood, Medina, Macedonia, Walton Hills, Hinckley, Brunswick.